You should use Angularity when…
- Your organisation has a large code/asset library and want to include only the elements you require.
- You want your development teams’ build tooling to be turn-key and immutable.
- You develop with AngularJS and would like a path to ECMAScript 6.
- You use SASS, or are prepared to switch, and can live without Compass.
- You intend to minify or obfuscate your Javascript.
- You your browser support list permits ECMAScript 5.1.
- You would like your build tool to be a self contained npm package with the option of a global install.
You should fork Angularity when…
- You want to use a CSS preprocessor other than SASS.
- You would like to use Compass with your SASS.
- You need to support PhantomJS 1.x, Internet Explorer 8 (or lower), or any other platform inconsistent with 6to5 generated code.
You should avoid Angularity when…
- Your projects are all different and need customised build steps that cannot be generalised.
Best fit
Angularity has additional features that support Webstorm IDE and Team City Continuous Integration server.
Following version 1.0.0 we will be looking for contributors to add first class support for other popular IDEs and CI reporters.
Bottom line
Angularity is about uniformity. Per-project customisation is minimal. What customisation exists is focused on supporting different environments (such as development vs CI server).
If you can generalise you build requirements but want different build steps to those provided then you can fork Angularity and make your own flavour.
However if you develop a wide variety of applications we recommend you use Gulp, which Angularity uses under the hood.