The "webstorm" task initialises webstorm for a project in the current working
directory and launches the IDE.
Where the IDE is installed in a non-standard location the full path to the
IDE should be used in place of the boolean in --launch.
The following steps are taken. Some steps are gated by respective a flag.
Default options may be globally defined or reset using the --defaults
* Setup project (resources, debug config, suppressors) --project
* Create external tools that launch angularity --tools
* Set coding style rules --rules
* Add code templates --templates
* Launch IDE --launch
angularity webstorm Run this task
angularity webstorm --defaults -l <some-path> Set a default executable path
angularity webstorm --defaults reset Reset defaults
--help, -h, -? This help message
--defaults, -z Set defaults
--subdir, -s Navigate to the sub-directory specified
--project, -p Setup project [default: true]
--tools, -t Install external tools [default: true]
--rules, -r Set style rules [default: true]
--templates, -t Add code templates [default: true]
--launch, -l Launch the IDE following setup [default: true]