The "watch" task performs an initial build and then serves the application on
  localhost at the given port. It then watches the project and performs rebuild
  of Javascript and/or SASS compositions upon change. This is followed by HTML
  injection and browser reload.

  angularity watch            Run this task
  angularity watch -p 8080    Run this task and serve at http://localhost:8080
  angularity watch -n         Run this task but do not minify javascript

  --help, -h, -?         This help message
  --unminified, -u       Inhibit minification of javascript     [default: false]
  --port, -p             A port for the development web server  [default: 55555]
  --jshint-reporter, -j  Specify a custom JsHint reporter to use. Either a
                         locally npm installed module, or the absolute path to
                         one.            [default: "angularity-jshint-reporter"]
  --karma-reporter, -k   Specify a custom Karma reporter to use. Either a
                         locally npm installed module, or an asolute path to
                         one.             [default: "karma-angularity-reporter"]